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Questions related to caring for health and maintaining life balance
How often should a person see their health care providers, and how do you know when a situation is serious enough to call a doctor or other health care provider?
What are good strategies for maintaining mental health and addressing mental health issues?
How do you decide how to set priorities between work, family, and leisure in order to establish a healthy life balance?
How can you get good information on medicines and treatments, and what are things you should be looking out for?
What are good ways to talk to parents about their health care needs and how they want their children involved in making decisions?
What are helpful ways to approach new physical or mental limitations caused by illness, injury, or just getting older?
What are signs that your stress levels are affecting your health, and what are good ways to relieve or avoid such stress?
How do you decide how to balance the needs of others and your own needs in a way that allows you to care for people you love without sacrificing your own health?
What strategies can help maintain your sense of self worth when faced with someone or some institution discriminating against you?
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